Mormon Newsroom
2015 Year in Review
Take a look back at some of the significant Church-related stories and events covered on in 2015.
Top Stories of 2015Mormon Apostle Calls for Balance and Accommodation, Not Culture Wars
Mormon Leaders Call for Laws That Protect Religious Freedom
'Because He Lives' Initiative Spreads Easter Message to Millions
Three Named to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Elder L. Tom Perry Dies at Age 92
President Boyd K. Packer Dies At Age 90
LDS Charities: A Look at 30 Years of Worldwide Humanitarian Relief
You see struggles people experience to get back on the road, but ... many do find a path back.
Peter Evans, Director of Product Management, Self-Reliance Services
Russell M. Nelson: New President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
President Obama Notes Mormon Efforts with Religious Freedom Laws
President Uchtdorf Speaks at Religious Symposium at USC
Elder Cook Calls for Global Effort to Protect Faith and Religious Freedom
Church Launches ‘A Savior Is Born’ Christmas Initiative
Because of our religious convictions ... we sponsor humanitarian relief programs.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland during visit to UK Parliament
Church Leaders Call for Better Observance of Sabbath Day
Elder Andersen Meets Jerusalem Mayor During Israel Visit
Mormon Youth Will Ask Apostle Questions in Live Chat Event
This new edition of the [Portuguese] Bible will promote gospel scholarship.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson on the release of the Church's new Portuguese Bible
Supreme Court Decision Will Not Alter Doctrine on Marriage
President Uchtdorf Expresses Gratitude to Inner City Missionaries
Photo Essay: Hundreds of Mormon Volunteers Serve in Ethnically Diverse Inner City Mission
Mormon Tabernacle Choir Inducted Into the American Classical Music Hall of Fame
Service Helps Inmates Look Beyond Themselves
We are called to follow the example of the Savior, and it is impossible to do so if we set aside our compassion and refuse to care for our fellowmen.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf at Speech to the Salt Lake Inner City Mission
Elder Sitati Addresses Race, Self-Reliance and Church Growth in Africa
[God's] redeeming love and mercy are extended to all who turn to Him with full purpose of heart.
Elder Joseph W. Sitati at the "Black, White and Mormon" conference
Journalist Writes About Mormon Preparedness
Church Dedicates Córdoba Argentina Temple
Groundbreakings Announced for Tucson and Concepción Temples
Payson Utah Temple Dedicated
First Latter-day Saint Temple in Indiana Dedicated
Church Dedicates Trujillo Peru Temple
Let this [Trujillo Peru Temple] cornerstone, become a cornerstone in your lives, to build a foundation, of values, built on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, speaking at the cornerstone ceremony of the Trujillo Peru Temple