features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Nicaragua: Love and Service Given to Managua Senior Residents
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, following Jesus Christ’s example, brought comfort and service to seniors living in Sor Maria Romero in Managua in the western area of Nicaragua.
The facility’s 28 residents enjoyed the kindness and love showed them by the young people.
Go to the Nicaragua Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to read a comment from one of the seniors.
Nigeria: “Happy Elderly People” Receive Happy Visitors
Local women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Relief Society organization visited Nigeria’s Centre for Happy Elderly People (CHEP) this year.

The facility has eight staff and 10 elderly residents, and the local Mormon women didn’t just make a visit; they brought friendship, a water dispenser, food, kitchen equipment and other items for the residents to help make their life better.

Read more about the visit on the Nigeria Mormon Newsroom website.
Canada: Mormon Volunteers Move Their Faith Into Action
Latter-day Saints joined forces with the Christian Jewish Dialogue of Montreal to “green and clean” at the 5th annual Eco-Action Day in May.

They gathered up hundreds of pounds of garbage and recyclables from community parks and cleaned off graffiti from park benches and picnic tables. Though their religious beliefs varied, people from the different denominations worked together for the betterment of their communities.

Go to the Canada Mormon Newsroom website to read what volunteers said about the combined effort.
Jamaica: U.S. Naval Hospital Ship “Comfort” Delivers Aid
Continuing Promise 2015, an annual outreach mission, sailed into port in Jamaica in May on the United States Naval Hospital Ship “Comfort” and brought medical personnel, supplies and hope for many Jamaicans.

LDS Charities, the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, provided pallets of medical supplies for five Jamaican health care facilities. Mormon youth also assembled hygiene kits for the residents.

Additional information about other activities associated with the ship’s arrival is available on the Jamaica Mormon Newsroom website.
India: Latter-day Saint Volunteers Paint and Clean Girls’ Home
The Rainbow House in Musheerabad, in the central part of India, benefitted from the efforts of more than 40 Mormon Helping Hands volunteers recently.
The mission of the Rainbow House is to help girls who have been left deserted on the streets. This organization helps secure basic rights for the girls through education and support. Currently, about 118 young girls have been rescued and are being supported at the Musheerabad facility.
Read on the India Mormon Newsroom website what Latter-day Saints did to help.
San Diego, CA: African American Veterans Honored at Church Historic Site
Several hundred guests attended a Flag Day celebration at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site in San Diego, California, on Friday, June 12, 2015. This year’s event honored the African American veterans of the United States military.
Four veterans were honored during a recognition ceremony. “The African American veterans we honor today chose to leave the safe confines of a comfortable life to protect the rest of us,” said Elder David Barnes, director of the Mormon Battalion Historic Site, who conducted the ceremonies.
Read more about the Flag Day commemoration on Mormon Newsroom.