In Your Own Words is a regular sampling of online articles, blog posts and social media that represent some of the current c onversations about Mormonism. The posts in this series do not necessarily represent the views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nor are they meant to be a comprehensive summary of the online conversations about the Church. The intent is to highlight social media content from individuals that will help journalists and the public better understand Mormonism.
There wa s plenty of anticipation for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ announcement of three new apostles on Saturday, October 3, 2015.
Everyone is on the edge of their seats right now #LDSconf
— Makenzie Jamias (@MakenzieJamias) October 3, 2015
It's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming #newapostles
— Sydney Norwood (@SydneyNorwood) October 3, 2015
Only 20 minutes! The anticipation is killing me! #newapostles
— Kameron Gonzalez (@gonzalitos15) October 3, 2015
Many responded to the names of Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Elder Gary E. Stevenson and Elder Dale G. Renlund with excitement and support, while o thers appreciated the warm welcome extended by fellow Church leaders.
It love to see the church move forward with beauty and order. I sustain you, Elders Rasband, Stevenson and Renlund. #NewApostles
— Kellie Nuss (@kellienuss) October 3, 2015
Noted. #NewApostles
— Brantz M. Woolsey (@brantzwoolsey) October 3, 2015
We extend to you our love & support.... We pray for you & your families. // #ldsconf
— cecelia (@cproffit) October 3, 2015
Gary Stevenson - Adams Elementary, Logan High '73. USU Business '79. Friends since '63. Love that guy. #ldsconf
— Bob Emmett (@emetski) October 3, 2015
Seconds after being announced...Our new apostles have their official twitter accounts ready to go. Love it! #LDSconf
— Preston Darger (@PrestonDarger) October 3, 2015
You know what was as touching as the talks? Seeing the brethren welcome the #NewApostles w/ a tender hug. #ldsconf
— Kristin Myers (@knmyers126) October 3, 2015
During the new apostles’ introduction to news media following the Saturday afternoon session of general conference, several people online appreciated these new leaders’ comments about Jesus Christ and service , as well as the tender exchange s each had with family following the event.
This was really powerful to watch. I am so grateful for all who serve in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day...
Posted by Heidi Wheiler Fransen on Sunday, October 4, 2015
“I do know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world." — #ElderRenlund
— My Soul Delighteth (@mysouldelight) October 3, 2015
My call comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. #ElderRasband | #NewApostles
— LDSGeneralConference (@ldsconf) October 3, 2015
#ElderStevenson talking about providing service to poor & needy... #NewApostles
— Scott Hales (@ScottHales80) October 3, 2015
Awh, when the families of the #newapostles came out. That was a pretty sweet thing. :) #ldsconf
— Hilary Erickson (@pullingcurls) October 3, 2015
And Sunday morning during the apostles' inaugural general conference remarks, many shared favorite portions of each apostle’s address online.
— Brantz M. Woolsey (@brantzwoolsey) October 4, 2015
We are thrilled to hear from our new apostles. #ElderStevenson
— Todd Haynie (@todd_haynie) October 4, 2015
— Celestial Shine Mag (@CelestialMagz) October 4, 2015
#LDSconf #ElderRenlund
Posted by Southern Mormons on Sunday, October 4, 2015
God qualifies whom he calls. #ldsconf2015
— Julie Olson (@julieolsonbooks) October 4, 2015
You can learn more about each apostle at Mormon Newsroom .