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General Officers Hearts ‘Filled With Hope and Love’ During Ministry in South America

Young Women and Primary General Officers teach in Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina in September

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By Mary Richards, Church News

As Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, and Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, taught and ministered in Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina in September, their hearts were “filled with hope and love,” Sister Spannaus said.

From September 13-22, the General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held devotionals for children and youth, instructed leaders, ministered to Church members and saw firsthand some of the Church’s effort to care for those in need.

‘We Need Jesus to Do the Rest’

When Sister Spannaus and Sister Wright walked through the halls and rooms of a burn rehabilitation center in Santiago, Chile, on September 13, they said they felt that they were walking on holy ground.

The center — named Coaniquem — provides free rehabilitation services for children and teens. The Church has contributed to the institution over the years, including the donation of a sterilization center and equipment for the surgical ward — key elements to improve the quality of medical treatment offered to patients.

The women leaders expressed their admiration for the dedication of the staff in helping patients overcome the physical and emotional effects of burns. Sister Wright was deeply moved by a comment one of the directors made in relation to a church that had been built on the property.

“He said there is only so much we can do for these children. We need Jesus to do the rest,” Sister Wright said.

Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, points out colors in a book with a child at the Pérez Scremini Foundation in Montevideo, Uruguay, on September 17, 2024. Photo by Daniel Martinez, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

While in Montevideo, Uruguay, on September 17, Sister Spannaus and Sister Wright — along with Elder Eduardo Gavarret, a General Authority Seventy and Second Counselor in the South American South Area Presidency — were able to officially present a significant donation from the Church to the Pérez Scremini Foundation, the country’s main organization for the treatment of childhood cancer.

The new equipment will allow for more precise early diagnosis and more effective medical treatments for children.

Both women had the opportunity to share words of love and encouragement with some of the children and youth at the facility and expressed their admiration for the work done by the foundation.

Said Sister Wright, “If you want to know the character of a community, look and see how they treat their weakest members. These children are not necessarily weak, but they are vulnerable and in need of tender and inspired care. It was clear to me, the work they do is not simply a job but a sacred calling.”

‘They Can Certainly Do Hard Things’

The assignment to the South America South Area was a homecoming for Sister Spannaus, who was born and raised in Argentina.

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus greets Livia Perez, whom she used to minister to 15 years previously, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 21, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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“I was able to minister to two sisters that I used to minister while living in Buenos Aires,” Sister Spannaus said. “What a joy it was to hug them once more and talk about life, God and families.”

Through several youth devotionals and meetings in each country, she said she was blessed to share time with the youth, minister to them and see how they love the Lord Jesus Christ and show their love for Him in their daily decisions.

In Salta, Argentina, the leaders joined the youth at the Salta Argentina Temple to do vicarious baptisms. “There were more than 50 young people waiting at the door of the house of the Lord on a weekday,” Sister Spannaus said.

Sister Wright held several devotionals for children — in which children conducted, prayed, spoke and more — in each country as well.

During a children’s devotional in Argentina, Sister Wright asked children what they know about Jesus.

“A child responded, ‘When Jesus was a child like me, He taught adults,’” Sister Wright said. “These precious little children know and love the Savior and are eager to participate in His work. It is part of their covenantal responsibility to do so. The Lord trusts them and needs them.”

Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, holds a children's devotional in Viña del Mar, Chile, on September 13, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Sister Spannaus pointed out that President Russell M. Nelson has said how young people are unusually gifted in reaching out to others and sharing what they believe.

“Together we talked about how the light of Christ, the gift of the Holy Ghost, the ministering of angels and the access to the priesthood power we have here on earth help us succeed in this life and fulfill what we came to do. They can certainly do hard things,” Sister Spannaus said.

Sister Spannaus and Sister Wright also taught and instructed Primary and youth leaders from multiple stakes throughout the area. Sister Wright said she was inspired by the Primary leaders in South America.

“They see children through the lens of our Savior,” she said. “Not as simply the future but also the now. They have an important role to play in building the kingdom of God.”

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, teaches in a youth devotional in Santiago, Chile, on September 14, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, meets children in Montevideo, Uruguay, September 17, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Primary children, parents and leaders show some of their drawings during a devotional with Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, in Asunción, Paraguay, on September 15, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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