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- Saints-Volume-4
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The fourth and final volume of “Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days” was published today in 14 languages.
The newest book of the Church’s four-part official history, titled “Sounded in Every Ear,” tells the story of the Latter-day Saints from 1955 to 2020 — a period of accelerated worldwide Church growth and temple building.
Church leaders, historians, writers and editors gathered at the Church History Library on Tuesday, October 29, to celebrate the release and talk to media.
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- Saints-Volume-4
- Saints-Volume-4
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- Saints-Volume-4
- Saints-volume-4
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Elder Hugo E. Martinez, a General Authority Seventy who serves as assistant executive director of the Church History Department, spoke at the event, as did historian Matt Grow, the managing director of the Church History Department.
“It’s very moving for me,” Elder Martinez said of volume 4, particularly because he knows several of the people featured. “Volume 4 is filled with individual stories, faith-promoting stories, inspiring stories. ... So, our invitation today is for you to have ‘Saints’ and study and find what we have found there — stories of people who follow Jesus Christ and find Him. We will find our Savior, Jesus Christ in the pages and the devotion and the lives that are there.”
One of the Saints featured in volume 4 is Isabella Santa Guirado, who attended Tuesday’s event. She attended a Church-owned private school in Mexico City, and eventually taught seminary there. “The book is very interesting,” she said. “I like the way they wrote it. It’s very well-written. It’s very pleasant.”
'An Increasingly Global Story'
When volume 4 opens in 1955, the Church is only in a few countries, but by its conclusion, the Church has spread to 150 countries. Still, every country where the Church is present could not be included in the book. Instead, the editors tried to include story lines and countries that could be representative for broader audiences.
“This volume 4 tells an increasingly global story,” said Grow. “It’s the story of continuing revelation that helps the Church offer the full blessings of the gospel, including temple covenants to millions of people around the globe. ... It’s our deepest hope that Latter-day Saints around the world will be able to see themselves in the story and ponder how they can carry on the legacy of faith and serve as exemplified in our history.”
Matt Grow, the managing director of the Church History Department, speaks at a press conference about the publication of the final volume of "Saints," held at the Church History Department in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The first two volumes of “Saints” focus on the early Restoration as the Latter-day Saints gathered to build temples in Kirtland, Nauvoo and Utah. In volume 3, readers followed stories of Saints from around the globe as they encountered the excitement of modernization and the devastation of war, a pandemic and economic hardship. The story of the global Church continues in volume 4, with stories about how the Church and its members utilize new technologies, additional opportunities in Church education, innovative changes in Church organization and leadership, and widespread temple construction to aid in spreading the message of the restored gospel and in covenant making.

“Sounded in Every Ear,” volume 4 of the Church’s 4-part official history “Saints,” tells the story of the Latter-day Saints from 1955 to 2020 — a period of accelerated worldwide Church growth and temple building.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“‘Saints’ tells the story of what the Saints did, why they did it, and what they believed. We read about how they followed the Lord’s commandments, moving forward in faith and turning to their Savior,” said Elder Kyle S. McKay, a General Authority Seventy who serves as Church Historian and Recorder. “In the final volume of ‘Saints,’ we see historic revelation and a dramatic expansion of temple building throughout the earth, giving God’s children increased opportunities to make and keep covenants that will strengthen them against the commotion and uncertainty of the world around them.”
Much of the history covered in “Saints, Volume 4,” is history many readers lived through and remember. Readers will learn more about the beginnings of priesthood correlation and FamilySearch; the blessings of the Perpetual Education Fund; the establishment of stakes in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific; the Church’s building program; the rapid construction of temples all over the world; and the revelation on priesthood ending race-based priesthood and temple restrictions.
“In volume 4, the Saints continue unabated in inviting others to Jesus Christ,” said James Perry, a general editor of the volume. “One of the most fulfilling aspects of ‘Saints’ is seeing how individuals from all walks of life continue to choose to serve the Lord, sometimes at considerable personal expense and inconvenience. I find it incredibly inspiring to see the great work of proclaiming the gospel taking place in Peru, Ghana, Hong Kong, Germany and across the world.”
As the “Saints” series concludes, many nations, kindreds, tongues and people still thirst for the restored truth amidst a world troubled by war, civil unrest, sickness, hunger and prejudice. Latter-day Saints, too, have much to learn about each other as the Church spreads far and wide, welcoming people from many cultures and traditions. The Lord’s command to “be one” has never been more vital — or more challenging — for His people to follow.
Written for the Rising Generation
Jed Woodworth, managing historian for “Saints,” said, “We did try and write the book in such a way — and this is true of all four books — that it could be understood by people outside of our faith, but the primary audience is for the rising generation.”
Saints volume 4
Jed Woodworth, managing historian for “Saints,” speaks at a press conference about the publication of the final volume of "Saints," held at the Church History Department in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. Lisa Olsen Tait, a historian and general editor is pictured next to him.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The editors tried to include stories Latter-day Saint teenagers and young adults who were seeking truth and looking for Christ. “Our kids need to as aware of these young people as they can,” said Scott Hales, a historian and literary editor on the project. “I think that they can serve as role models for the rising generation.”
For example, volume 4 includes the story of 13-year-old Delia Rochon, who was called to serve as Primary president in Uruguay after Elder Spencer W. Kimball’s encouraged the calling of local leaders rather than relying on American missionaries. Latter-day Saint reality TV star Blake McKeow in Australia announced his decision to serve a mission in the Philippines on the show, and a young woman in Czechoslovakia was introduced to the gospel by an older man who taught her yoga.
New with this release are a Saints Stories landing page and a revamped Saints YouTube channel that provide individual stories of the Saints who are featured in in volume 4. This format may appeal to younger people or anyone who may feel daunted at reading an 800-page book.

The four-volume “Saints” history is the third multivolume official history produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.How to Find ‘Saints, Volume 4’
“Saints, Volume 4” is now available for purchase from the Church’s online store and at retail outlets. The digital version is available for free in Gospel Library online and in the Church History section of the Gospel Library app.
Volume 4 is available digitally in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Cebuano, Tagalog, Samoan, Tongan, Italian, German and Russian. Print editions in these languages will be available over the next four months.
An option to listen to the “Saints” volumes is available on Gospel Library in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
For readers wanting to delve even more deeply into the story of the Saints, the Church has also published dozens of new Church History Topics in Gospel Library, providing detailed introductions to topics such as the Church’s Building Program, Church Callings and Church Incorporation. Today also marks the launch of a fourth season of the Saints podcast, which goes behind the scenes to tell more about the people and events in the books. Previous seasons of the podcast have reached hundreds of thousands of listeners.
The ‘Saints’ Series
The Church released “Saints: The Standard of Truth, Volume 1, 1815-1846” in September 2018, and “Saints, Volume 2, No Unhallowed Hand, 1846-1893” was released in February 2020. The first two volumes of “Saints” focus on the early Restoration as the Latter-day Saints gathered to build temples in Kirtland, Nauvoo and Utah.
“Saints, Volume 3, Boldly, Nobly, and Independent, 1893-1955” was released in April 2022. Volume 3 shares stories of Saints worldwide as they experienced the thrills of modern changes and faced the challenges of war, a pandemic and economic hardship.
Each volume ends with a dedication of a temple, Grow explained. The subtitles of each book are taken from a classic 1842 quotation of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Saints Volume 4
The subtitles of each volume of “Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days” are taken from a classic 1842 quotation of the Prophet Joseph Smith. © 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The four-volume “Saints” history is the third multivolume official history produced by the Church. Joseph Smith commissioned and oversaw the writing of the first Church history in the 1830s, and it was published beginning in 1842. The second history was published in 1930 by Assistant Church Historian B. H. Roberts, before Church membership had reached 1 million.
The series has sold nearly 1.2 million printed volumes and another 1.5 million online readers and 500,000 audio book listeners. More than a thousand reviewers, translators, editors, historian and writers have contributed to the work over the past decade and a half.
While there are no current plans for a fifth volume of Saints, historians hope to expand the “Saints” brand, methods and storytelling style to other Church history projects.