Relief Society in Action highlights the volunteer service of Latter-day Saint women in their communities around the world. The Relief Society is an organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for women aged 18 and older. It has more than 7.1 million members and is the largest women’s organization in the world. Today we feature news from French Polynesia, Philippines, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Colombia and Bolivia.
Gifts of Love to Women and Children from the Women of French Polynesia
Local Latter-day Saints Miresa Buchin and Marie Jeanne Marcillac serve on the Council of Women in French Polynesia. In March 2021, they represented the Relief Society during a three-day exhibition in the hall of the Assembly of French Polynesia. They presented workshops on genealogy, emergency preparedness and self-reliance.

The women of the Ahurai parish participate with one heart and one mind in this service project proposed by two representatives to the Council of Women. French Polynesia, March 2021.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Buchin and Marcillac also celebrated International Women’s Day (March 8) with a fundraiser for women and children. They collected food, hygiene and beauty kits and snacks.
“Your acts of charity show these women that they are loved and that they are cared for,” said Chantel Galenon, president of the French Polynesian Women’s Council.
Click here to learn more about the fundraiser.
Latter-day Saint Women Recognized in the Philippines for Community Efforts
Rizalina Lucila, Keylee Dela Cruz Sumiran and Mayette Valdoz are among 100 women who received the “Gawad Mariveleña 2021,” an award given by the government of Mariveles. Recipients of the award are selected by local leaders and businesses for service they have rendered to the community.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes in the important role that women play in God’s plan and their contributions to their communities.
Click here to learn more about the recipients’ contributions.
Canadian Artist Creates a Quilt About Canadian Unity
Linda Shaver Angus recently completed her “Canadian Unity” quilt top. “So much of this quilt was created through inspiration,” Angus said.
The quilt measures 10 feet wide by 13 feet, 6 inches long. Each Canadian province and territory is represented in its own quilt block.

Linda Shaver Angus, an accomplished Canadian artist and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Abbotsford, British Columbia, completes her “Canadian Unity” quilt top, June 2021.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Angus hopes the quilt will bring love and unity to all who appreciate its beauty.
Read more about her journey with the quilt here.
New Zealander Featured on ‘Latter-day Saint Women’ Podcast
Tania Torea was featured on the Latter-day Saint Women podcast on The podcast highlights the legacy of women in the Church.

Tania Torea is featured on the Latter-day Saint Women podcast. New Zealand, April 2021.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“The most important thing I’d love women to know is that Heavenly Father loves [you], of course, and that He wants to be in the details of your life,” Torea says in the podcast.
Listen to Tania’s feature here.
Family History Enthusiast and Tour Host Featured in Gippsland Lifestyle Magazine
Sandi Davie, a longtime member of the Church in Gippsland, Australia, and a tour guide at the nearby Alberton Cemetery, was featured in Gippsland Lifestyle magazine.
“I have had some amazing experiences hosting the tours with the families of our cemetery residents,” Davie said.
Connecting with and learning about ancestors is an important practice for Latter-day Saints.
Click here to read about Davie’s family history work.
Women in Colombia’s Granada Congregation Nurture Their Talents
In Colombia, women from the Bogotá Granada Stake Relief Society gathered virtually to share their talents.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that all people have special talents and abilities given to them by God.
Read more about the virtual activity in the Spanish Newsroom.
Blankets for New Mothers in French Polynesia Given with Love
In September 2020, Latter-day Saints in French Polynesia partnered with the city of Arue to improve the lives of the Erima community by teaching them to grow and cook food to assist with the struggles that came with COVID-19. As the pandemic progressed, they started a second project to teach the community to sew clothing for themselves and their families.
As the project got underway, the sisters learned to make blankets, which they donated to the community.

After a successful sewing course financed by the city of Arue, eight Relief Society members sew baby blankets for new mothers. French Polynesia, June 2021.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“We gave the baby blankets to new mothers. We didn’t just learn how to make blankets — we learned to bond with other people living in our community," said Vahinui Tuahu, a member of the congregation.
Lorenzia Vong, a new mother who received a blanket, said, “It touches us and helps our family a lot.”
Click here to learn more about the blanket project.
Los Andes Stake Relief Society Collects Caps to Help Children with Cancer
In Bolivia, Relief Society sisters in the Los Andes Stake gathered bottle caps to support AVCCI Bolivia’s “Happy Child” initiative. The nonprofit organization coordinates initiatives that benefit children and teenagers that have been diagnosed with cancer and helps their families pay for chemotherapy treatment costs.

A sister of the Relief Society closes bags of bottle caps to be donated. Bolivia, June 2021.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The Relief Society sisters gathered bottle caps for more than a month to donate to the cause.
Click here to read more about the project on the Spanish Newsroom.