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By Mary Richards, Church News
The Primary General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints launched a new social media account called Primary Worldwide on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/primaryworldwide and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/primaryworldwide_ on Friday, April 19.
The account — which follows the creation of Young Women Worldwide, Young Men Worldwide and Relief Society Worldwide — is meant to be a community for all Primary teachers and leaders. The Friend magazine also has social media accounts for all those who care for children.
Posts on Primary Worldwide will include tips and ideas for preparing for singing time, class time and activities. Messages will be posted from members of the Primary general presidency — President Susan H. Porter and her counselors, Sister Amy A. Wright and Sister Tracy Y. Browning — and the Primary General Advisory Council.
The first post included a welcome and says, “This account is designed to help Primary teachers and leaders — worldwide — create meaningful experiences for children to come to know Heavenly Father and our Savior.”
The following posts outline some of the coming content on the account:

“Singing time: How can you teach children the gospel in fun and engaging ways through music? This feature will have ideas that will help you teach the suggested songs for each month.”
“Class time: Class time posts will be concepts you can use to help the gospel come alive to children and sink deep into their hearts.”
“Activities: We know that Primary presidencies and activity leaders are looking for ideas for meaningful activities! We will have a few ideas each month to help Primary children serve, learn and grow.”
Finally, the account explained that the messages from the presidency and council “are meant to increase your vision of the vital importance of your call to teach and minister to the Savior’s youngest disciples. You are known and loved.”