Easter 2025

President Oaks’ Easter Reflection on Christ’s Sacrifice and Resurrection

In a new video message, President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints urges Church members and friends of the faith to study Christ’s teachings and establish Christ-centered Easter traditions.

“As we enter this new year, let us prepare for an Easter celebration of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, culminating in His Resurrection — the most glorious event in history,” says President Oaks, speaking on behalf of the entire First Presidency.

How should we do this?

One important way to celebrate, President Oaks says, is to teach the “profound meaning of the universal resurrection.” For Latter-day Saints, he clarifies, “the resurrection means that all who have ever lived will be resurrected — and the resurrection is literal.”

This truth is taught in the Book of Mormon.

“Now, there is a death which is called a temporal death,” a Book of Mormon prophet teaches. “And the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death.”

“Redemption through Jesus Christ is the central message of the prophets of all ages,” President Oaks says. “The books of the New Testament teach that our Savior’s suffering and His bloodshed atones for our sins and that His Resurrection assures that all who have ever lived on this earth will also be resurrected. Then we will all live forever with a glorified body of flesh and bones.”

Latter-day Saints and others should also cultivate Christ-centered Easter traditions, President Oaks says. One possible consideration he notes is the Paschal or Easter Day greeting exchanged in some parts of the world where one person says, “Christ is risen!” and the other responds, “Indeed, He is risen!

The great gift of the Resurrection, President Oaks teaches, “is made possible by the great plan and the boundless love of God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.”


This important message from President Oaks is part of the Church’s larger 2025 Easter season celebration. This year’s theme is “Greater Love,” a phrase from John 15:13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

The Church is focusing on the “greater love” of Christ in many ways.

  • On Easter (April 20, 2025), all are welcome to join us to worship the Savior of the world and celebrate His gift of universal resurrection.
  • A Holy Week study guide will be published on ChurchofJesusChrist.org to help people learn more about the Savior’s love.
  • On Easter Sunday, a special episode of “Music and the Spoken Word” will air, focused on the theme of “Greater Love.”
  • During the Easter season, Latter-day Saints around the world will celebrate Christ’s Resurrection through concerts and other events with friends of other faiths.
  • Church leaders will encourage gospel study during Holy Week and will share messages about the Resurrection.
  • Easter music and video playlists will be provided on the Church’s YouTube, Strive to Be and Gospel Stream channels.
  • All are invited to share testimony of Jesus Christ and the blessings of His Resurrection, including on social media using the #GreaterLove hashtag.

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