features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Brazil: Mormon Apostle and Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Discuss Strengthening Families
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with Don Sergio, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul in Brazil in May.

The two religious leaders focused on their common beliefs of strengthening families, promoting faith and protecting religious freedom. Elder Holland extended an invitation to visit Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Go to the Brazil Mormon Newsroom website to read more about their visit.
Pacific: Apostle Tells Cook Islands Latter-day Saints to Be Bold in Sharing Christ’s Teachings
“We need your faith, your goodness and your kindness,” said Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to Latter-day Saints in the Cook Islands.

Elder Andersen also encouraged the youth to follow the Savior. Elder Andersen said, “The future of the Church lies in the youth. We need to strengthen them.”

Read more about what Elder Andersen said to the Latter-day Saints of the Cook Islands on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website.
Ghana: Church Leaders Meet With Catholic Archbishop
With the intent to build bridges of understanding, the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Africa West Area invited His Excellency Archbishop Jean Marie Speich, Apostolic Nuncio (an ecclesiastical diplomat representing the Holy See) in Ghana for a visit and tour of the Accra Ghana Temple grounds.
“We share a brotherhood in Christ and meet as friends,” said Archbishop Speich. Area president Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. hosted the visit and said the two agreed to maintain their friendship through continued association in the future.
Read more about the meeting on the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website.
Angola: Diapers and Clothes Donated by Mormon Helping Hands Volunteers
Latter-day Saints in Luanda in Africa’s Angola state donated diapers, clothes, a stroller, milk, rice, beans and toys to the maternity ward of the Cajueiros General Hospital last month.
The humanitarian work by Mormon Helping Hands volunteers was accomplished because of their love for their neighbors.
Read more about the inspiration involved in this effort on the Angola Mormon Newsroom website.
Malaysia: LDS Charities Works With Local Rotary Club for Clean Water in School
For the 300 children attending the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Thamboosamy Pilai School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, clean water has arrived.
Through the efforts of the local Rotary Club and LDS Charities, filtered water and maintenance of the water system are available for the schoolchildren. Until the installation of the water source there was limited access to safe drinking water on campus.
Read more about how the project was planned on the Malaysia Mormon Newsroom website.
Zimbabwe: Self-Reliance Helps Mormon Man Serve Others
The Church’s teachings about self-reliance have not only helped Joseph, a Latter-day Saint man from Zimbabwe, earn a living but have also helped him serve his neighbors.
In addition to creating and selling clothing, curtains, pillow covers and leather sandals to sustain himself, Joseph teaches others how to make things and sell them to become self-reliant.
The Zimbabwe Mormon Newsroom website has more details about Joseph and what he is accomplishing.
Thailand: Volunteers Clean Community Park
Latter-day Saints invited their neighbors and friends to the People’s Park in Myanmar, Thailand, for of day service.

Their goal was simple; help make the city more beautiful.

Go to the Thailand Mormon Newsroom website for more information.
Utah, USA: Bountiful Temple Angel Moroni Hit by Lightning
It is not an everyday occurrence, but when lightning strikes, the angel Moroni statue can take the jolt — it’s designed that way.

Photo courtesy of the Deseret News, Jeff Allred
On Sunday, May 22, 2016, at 2:12 p.m., the gold-leaf statue, which sits atop the Bountiful Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was struck by lightning, putting a hole in its head and back.

Read more about the incident on the Mormon Newsroom website.