In Your Own Words is a regular sampling of online articles, blog posts and social media that represent some of the current conversations about Mormonism. The posts in this series do not necessarily represent the views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nor are they meant to be a comprehensive summary of the online conversations about the Church. The intent is to highlight social media content from individuals that will help journalists and the public better understand Mormonism.

Boyd K. Packer, president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was known for his knowledge and love of scriptures. After his death on July 3, 2015, President Packer was remembered online for his teachings.
#PresPacker was a giant on whose shoulders we stand. His influence will be felt for generations.
— Rick Jordan (@rickyjordanjr) July 3, 2015
Thousands shared their favorite lessons, including President’s Packer’s teachings on Christ’s Atonement and the relationship it has with hope.
"The Atonement can wash clean every stain no matter how difficult or how long or how many times repeated." -Boyd K. Packer #PresPacker
— ТB33 (@taranbailey33) July 3, 2015
"The Atonement is not a general thing that is for the whole Church. The Atonement is individual." // Boyd K. Packer #PresPacker
— cecelia (@cproffit) July 3, 2015
#PresPacker taught of a kind and loving God that will never give up on us no matter how often we fall short. Powerful message of real hope.
— Keith Despain (@sleeplessknYght) July 4, 2015
Others appreciated President Packer’s lessons on families and shared the influence his words had on inspiring them to become better parents and siblings.
Of all the lessons I learned from #PresPacker the best was to be a good husband/father/son. Will miss your counsel...
— Andy Little, DO (@andyglittle) July 3, 2015
Thank you President Packer. We will miss you and your teachings. #lds #prespacker #ShareGoodness
— BarettChristen (@BarettChristen) July 5, 2015
President Packer’s commitment to teaching God’s doctrine was firm, and his last days were spent preparing to teach Latter-day Saints at the religion’s 185th Semiannual General Conference happening in October 2015. Many appreciated his years of stories and teaching style.
Charlie Kevin Richards: Pres Packer was the one apostle that I remember the most. I think it was his talk on faith and comparing faith to the flavor of salt. You know what salt is when you taste it, but can you explain the taste? It's the same with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings. It's hard to explain it but you know that it's true in your heart. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Facebook Page)
With President Packer's extensive background in education, it was no surprise that social media users referenced President Packer's last general conference talk given in April 2015.
Those who knew President Packer knew of his love for art and poetry. In an Associated Press article, Allan Packer spoke of his father's talent when he said, “Father loved to shed his suit and tie and get dirty in the outdoors to hunt, fish and camp. He was also an avid painter and sculptor.”
President Packer's family pond 'like a sacred grove' to him | #LDS #PresPacker
— LDS Church News (@LDSChurchNews) July 8, 2015
the greatest poem written by one of the greatest men. he will always hold a special place in my heart #PresPacker
— emily moss (@emz_moss) July 3, 2015
Su afición por la pintura #Prespacker
— NoticiasSUD (@NotiSUD) July 4, 2015
Many also noted his wit and sense of humor.
Favorite #PresPacker quote to women who date bad men: “Break it up, send him a letter. Stamp it second-class male."
— Sarah Jane Weaver (@SJW_ChurchNews) July 4, 2015
Community leaders and reporters also posted online thoughts and condolences for President Packer’s passing. Utah State Senator Mike Lee paid tribute to the apostle on the floor of the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C., where he said, “Experiences such as tuning an old radio, getting his boys to stop wrestling in the living room, visiting a small church in Denmark, carving and painting birds, learning about crocodiles in Africa or observing the pleadings for help from an orphan boy while a serviceman in Japan — all emerged as foundational stories from which to teach life-changing principles.”
President Boyd K. Packer dies at age 90. He will be greatly missed. I learned a lot from him
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) July 3, 2015
Throughout his life, including his 45 years of service as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Pres. Boyd K....
Posted by Gary R. Herbert on Friday, July 3, 2015
Statement from @saltlakechamber on death of Boyd K. Packer. @fox13now #Utah #LDS #Mormon
— Ben Winslow (@BenWinslow) July 3, 2015
Researching #PresPacker life left me with awe for the life he lived with intentional resolve and determination.
— Tad Walch (@Tad_Walch) July 4, 2015
President Packer served 53 years as a general authority and shaped the lives of those he ministered to. A video posted on his Facebook page summarized his life’s achievements, and many comments focused on President Packer's faith and example.
Learn more about the life and legacy of President Boyd K. Packer. #PresPacker
Posted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Friday, July 3, 2015
Daniel Smith: I was a recent convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when I met this Apostle of Jesus Christ! What a marvelous testimony he bore of our Savior, I knew that his witness was real and special, I knew immediately that I was meeting a man called of God to be a Special Witness of Jesus Christ and a great teacher of the Gospel. I will always remember shaking that hand, the hand of a true Apostle Of Jesus Christ. He taught me so much, my prayers are with his family. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Facebook Page)
Gigi Wong: President Packer surely was a faithful and dedicated servant of the Lord. Also, a great example to us all. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Facebook Page)
Lyle Duane McAllister: What a marvelous example of an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. He always boldly spoke the truth in clarity and exactness. What an example for us to follow in testimony and service. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Facebook Page)
President Packer's funeral will be held on Friday, July 10, 2015 on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. It can be viewed live via,, KSL TV 5.2, BYUtv, BYUtv Global, BYUtv Eleven, BYUtv International, Mormon Channel, Canal Mormón (Spanish) and on the Church satellite system. In addition, audio broadcasts will air on KSL radio, BYU Classical 89 and BYU-Radio.
Rest in peace, President Packer. We will forever be blessed by your love, wisdom and inspiration. #prespacker #elderpacker #lds
— Orlando Mormons (@OrlandoMormons) July 4, 2015
We will miss you President Packer💔💔 Thank you for your service. #PresPacker
— Monaliza Forbes (@lizaforbes17) July 4, 2015
To learn more about President Packer's life and ministry, visit