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How Youth in an Oregon Stake Are Finding Opportunities to Share God’s Light and Love

From socks to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, youth and adults are serving others in their Oregon community

This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media. 

By Emerson Manning, Church News 

Youth from the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake make over 1,000 bagged lunches — of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a clementine and a granola bar — for the Blanchet House on the youth night of service April 13, 2024. Photo by the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

For members of the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, service is something everyone can be a part of.

Youth and adults come together throughout the year for various service projects that benefit not only the unity of their stake but also those in their community.

Every year, a youth day of service is meticulously planned and centered on an organization in need — as well as the needs of the youth.

Stake Young Women President Monica Carlson explained that the activities planned are to strengthen relationships of the youth, allowing them to be a part of a “bonding experience.”

Emily Bell, the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake’s JustServe coordinator, said these activities require “a significant amount of effort.”

She explained that a communications council meets three to six months in advance to plan service projects that will benefit the stake and their community.

A Place to Serve

The 2024 Youth Day of Service on April 13, 2024, was attended by over 200 youth.

The youth decided to aid people with food insecurities by preparing and packing over 1,000 bagged lunches filled with sandwiches prepared by the youth, granola bars and clementines.

Divided into stations, the youth used their talents where best suited. For some, that was preparing the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; for others, it was using their artistic skills to decorate the brown paper bags and fill them with thoughtful, handwritten notes.

The notes were written with messages of courage, love and hope — some were also written for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Some included scriptures, some with beautifully drawn images.

More than 200 youth from the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake gather to participate in the Global Youth Day of Service on April 13, 2024. The youth decorated lunch bags for food to be put in and donated to the Blanchet House. Photo by the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.
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No matter the skill level, every youth was utilized in the process. Everyone had a place to serve.

The lunches were assembled and donated to the Blanchet House, an organization based in Portland, Oregon, that provides food and hospitality to those in need.

The youth didn’t just stop there. In addition to the lunches, glasses were collected and donated to the Lions Club International to be filled with prescriptions for those in need. Shoes were also given to the Soles4Souls organization. Personalized cards were written and decorated to be given to the Honoring Our Precious Elders organization.

This activity continues to bring together the youth of the stake as they find a purpose in serving and work together to make a positive impact on their community.

“One of the beautiful things about doing service projects is it takes you outside of your everyday life,” said Carlson. “It makes you look at your life from a different perspective.”

Youth from the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake made over 1,000 bagged lunches — consisting of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a clementine and a granola bar — for the Blanchet House on the youth night of service held on April 13, 2024. Photo by the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.
More than 200 youth from the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake participate in the Global Youth Day of Service on April 13, 2024 The youth decorated lunch bags for food to be put in and donated to the Blanchet House. Photo by the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

Finding a Purpose in Serving

On November 23, 2024, around 250 youth and adults from the stake came together in collaboration with the Portland rescue team.

After being served a pancake breakfast by their stake presidency, everyone got to work assembling non-perishable kits, which included:

  • An uplifting message
  • A granola bar
  • Band-Aids
  • A toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Various hygiene items
  • Four pairs of socks
  • A comb
  • Lip balm

By the end of the service project, 200 kits were made and 900 pairs of socks had been donated. What was left over from the sock drive was donated to Project Homeless Connect.

Bell shared that these activities have united youth and stake members as they’ve found their purpose in serving God and others around them.

The Cedar Mill Oregon Stake members are anticipating another day of service this coming April that will also be in collaboration with those of other faiths.

Carlson shared that these youth are taking on the invitation from President Nelson to “Gather Israel” — inviting friends not of their faith to brighten the day of those in need. “President Nelson said it right when he said they’re extraordinarily gifted at gathering.”

More than 200 youth from the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake gather to participate in the a day of service on April 13, 2024. The youth decorated lunch bags for food to be put in and donated to the Blanchet House. Phot by the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

Youth from the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake made over 1,000 bagged lunches — consisting of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a clementine and a granola bar — for the Blanchet House on the youth night of service April 13, 2024. Photo by the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

God’s Light and Love

Throughout the planning processes of these service projects, Bell explained, it has been a testament to her of Heavenly Father’s love. “It’s given me a sense of care,” testified Bell, who explained that God’s care for His children has become evident as she’s seen the stake presidency members be inspired to find those in need of God’s light and love.

As these service projects have built community ties and relationships, they have helped members of the Cedar Mill Oregon Stake find a purpose in loving and serving others around them.

Carlson added: “You don’t know who these [donations] are going to, or if they’re religious, if they’re Christian. You know, we have no idea, but I do know that such things are meaningful across those boundaries of religion and life — to see people expressing their faith through love is really meaningful."

Copyright 2024 Deseret News Publishing Company.

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