Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, joins a group of children for the September 2024 Friend to Friend broadcast.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In the Friend to Friend episode “Sharing the Love of Jesus with Others,” available to download and stream on September 14, 2024, the Primary General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites children “to look for examples of how Jesus shared His love with others and let them inspire you to do the same.”
Puppets, songs, videos, scripture examples, and stories teach children to recognize Heavenly Father’s love for them and how they can share the love of Jesus with others.
Helping Jesus Share His Life for Others
In this episode, child hosts Millie Ferreira and Victor Batista, with the help of their puppet friends Louie the Toucan and Gilbert, explain how shared hugs, smiles and friendly waves help us feel loved. Jesus loves every single person on earth, the children teach, but He needs our help sharing His love with others.

Millie Ferreira and Victor Batista host the September 2024 Friend to Friend broadcast about sharing the love of Jesus with others.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This principle is illustrated in the video story “Guess Who Loves You, Mrs. Banks,” in which a young girl, Roxie, serves her former teacher, Mrs. Banks, who gets sick and must visit the hospital for treatments. Each day for two weeks, Roxie secretly leaves a different flower for Mrs. Banks to find when she returns home. Through Roxie’s simple acts of love, Mrs. Banks gets her smile back, and Roxie feels good sharing her and Jesus’s love with her friend.
The best example of showing love for others is Jesus Christ, Millie and Victor teach. In video clips illustrating examples from the scriptures, Jesus invites children to come to Him, prays for others, and takes time to teach and share the gospel with others.

A depiction from the New Testament in which Jesus instructs his disciples to allow children to come to Him.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Sharing Love by Sharing the Gospel
A special guest in this episode is President Jeffrey R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Joined by a few of his Primary friends, President Holland explores how children can share the love of Jesus Christ with others.
President Holland tells a true story about friends Julie and Amy. Julie, 7, attended Primary every week. One day, Julie invited Amy to come to Primary with her, explaining that Primary is a place where children can learn more about Jesus Christ. The parents of the two girls also became friends. Julie’s parents invited Amy’s parents to home evening. Amy’s father was asked to pray, but he said he didn’t know how. Because Amy had been attending Primary, she was able to teach her dad how to pray.
“How grateful I am that we have Primary to teach us more about Jesus Christ and His gospel,” President Holland says. “I’m grateful that we get to learn and practice how to pray, how to serve and how to share the love of Jesus Christ with others.”
President Holland shares his testimony that “Jesus loves you, and learning His gospel is important, and sharing it with others will bring you joy.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, talks to some of his Primary friends during the September 2024 Friend to Friend broadcast.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Shining the Light of Christ
The episode includes a video of images set to the song “I Will Shine” (words and music by Shawna Belt Edwards), showing children sharing the Light of Christ with others through simple actions.

Puppet friends Louie the Toucan and Gilbert learn that shared hugs, smiles and friendly waves help us feel loved during the September 2024 Friend to Friend broadcast.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The Friend to Friend episode concludes with the Primary General Presidency inviting children to look for one way they can share the love of Jesus with others in the week ahead.
They each share ways they plan to follow Jesus’s example from the scripture stories shared earlier in the episode.
Primary General President Susan H. Porter says she is going to visit her neighbors who are from another country and share some of her family’s favorite food.
Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor, says she plans to express her love and gratitude by being more tender and thoughtful when she prays for others by name.
Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Second Counselor, says she plans to show her love for her family by setting time aside to play a game with them.
How to Use This Friend to Friend Episode
Use the full Friend to Friend episode or portions of it at home or in Primary to help teach children about sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
The episode is available to download from Gospel Library or view on demand on the three Gospel for Kids YouTube channels:
- Gospel for Kids YouTube (English)
- El Evangelio para niños YouTube (Spanish)
- Evangelho para Crianças YouTube (Portuguese)
Previous Friend to Friend episodes have taught about the temple, the covenant path, baptism, the Holy Ghost, the sacrament and what it means to be a child of God. They are also available on YouTube and in Gospel Library.