BYUtv aired the first of a three-part documentary on Sunday, 16 October, titled, Fires of Faith: The Coming Forth of the King James Bible. The sacred text’s impact on religion is detailed in more than 130 reenactments filmed in eight different countries (including actual sites where original events transpired), and 18 international scholars and religious leaders provide insight into the book’s origin.
This documentary will likely pique the interest of those of any religion that hold the King James Version of the Bible as sacred scripture, including members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many people across the globe recognize that Latter-day Saints regard the Book of Mormon as scripture; Latter-day Saints also believe the Bible to be the word of God.
In May, the Newsroom published a piece about the King James Bible’s 400th anniversary and the tremendous undertaking, completed in 1979, to create the Church’s own King James Version with study helps and other related resources.
View the entire three-part series at the links below:
Part I: "Yearning For The Word"
Part II: "Martyrs For A Book"
Part III: "The King James Bible"