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Why Love Matters Most When Working With Youth

Young Men General Advisory Council member Brother Paul M. Harman writes, ‘As we strive to love the young men one by one and show that love with our words and deeds, we are truly following the Savior’s example’

Youth and leaders in the Willow Creek 6th Ward, Sandy Utah Willow Creek Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, gather to play games January 22, 2020. Photo by Scott G Winterton, courtesy of Church News.© Copyright 2024 Deseret News Publishing Company.

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By Paul Maurice Harman of the Young Men General Advisory Council

One of my assignments is to provide instruction to newly called stake Young Men leaders. Most of my instruction is done via Zoom and with members in Brazil. After a lengthy and detailed PowerPoint presentation on the youth program, I end each session with the following personal story:

Years ago, when I was a bishop, I was taught a great lesson by the Young Women president in my ward. This dedicated and devoted sister was a successful business executive and traveled a lot. I knew she was busy, and I knew that this calling would be a challenge for her, but I really felt like the Lord wanted her involved in the lives of the young women, so I extended the call.

My oldest daughter was in the Young Women program at the time, so I felt strongly that some things needed to be done better than they had in the past. I made several specific suggestions of things I wanted the new Young Women president to do in her calling. She listened patiently and then responded: “Bishop, these are good things to do, and I will do my best to implement them. However, I think the most important thing I can do is to love the young women.”

Over the next few years, some of the things I suggested got implemented. Others did not. But four years later I truly found out just how right she had been. My daughter was preparing to get sealed to her fiancé in the temple. Both families are large, and the sealing room was small. Once we made the list of people who needed to attend, my daughter could only invite one additional person. She invited her former Young Women president, Carla Coonradt. I asked her why, of all of her friends and former leaders, had she chosen to invite Sister Coonradt.

“Because I always felt safe with her,” my daughter said. “I knew she loved me.”

After sharing this experience at the end of my instruction, I always ask the participants what they have learned throughout the evening. They list the important things that were covered, and then invariably one of the brothers will say, “These are good things to do, but I think the most important thing I can do is find a way to love the young men.”

When someone says that, I know they have learned the most important thing. As we strive to love the young men one by one and show that love with our words and deeds, we are truly following the Savior’s example. Yes, as it turns out, both Sister Coonradt and the Beatles got it right: “Love is all you need.”

— Brother Paul M. Harman is a member of the Young Men general advisory council.

Copyright 2024 Deseret News Publishing Company.

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