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Brother Craig B. Ballard: Help Youth to Repent, Reset, Refocus

‘As we repent, reset and refocus, look for His guidance and trust those that are shining His light, we can all find our way back to the path that leads to our heavenly home,’ writes Brother Ballard

Young men of the Crosswinds 3rd Ward in the Spanish Fork Utah East Stake enjoy hike in the Unita Mountains in July 2024. Photo by Landen Garner, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

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By Brother Craig B. Ballard, Young Men General Advisory Council

Have you ever been hiking and tried to take a shortcut only to realize that it was a mistake?

Clearly defined trails exist for a reason. In life, sometimes we try to circumvent established trails and markers thinking it will make things easier or faster only to realize we have made a mistake and are lost.

Brother Craig B. Ballard is a member of the Young Men General Advisory Council.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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While serving as a president of the Oregon Portland Mission, I received a short text message from one of the zone leaders saying that the zone had gone for a hike on preparation day and were lost because they decided to try a shortcut back to their vehicles. Darkness was setting in so I called the local sheriff and then hopped in my car to find them as fast as I could.

I remember praying that they would stay together and wait for help. When I arrived, the sheriff and deputies had pulled up to the road and were using their loudspeakers to call to the missionaries, but they were too far away to hear and respond. As darkness fell, I felt prompted to ask the sheriff to turn on his lights and shine his spotlight on the path we wanted them to find. After several anxious minutes we began to hear the missionaries calling to us. They had seen the spotlight and followed it until they reached us.

Later, as the missionaries began to relax and warm up, they told me what happened. The trail on the way up took longer than they expected. When they got to the top, they realized they would not be home by the time P-Day was to end so they decided to take a shortcut back to the parking lot. At first, they made good time but after a few minutes the terrain became treacherous. Their phones lost service. As darkness fell, they knew they were in trouble and needed help. As they prayed together, they began to see the spotlights and police lights illuminating the way.

As I listened to their story, I reminded them of some simple gospel truths. We talked about how life on the covenant path may be longer and take more time but there is safety in walking a path that you know will take you where you want to go.

As we patiently walk the covenant path, no matter how long and challenging it may seem, we can have confidence in our ultimate destination.

In our mission we emphasized that we all need to repent, reset and refocus every day. We also talked about how the lights helped the missionaries know which way to go. It is the same for us. If we wander from the covenant path, we are never too lost for the Savior to find us. As we repent, reset and refocus, look for His guidance and trust those that are shining His light, we can all find our way back to the path that leads to our heavenly home.

Leaders of youth don’t have to wait until young people are lost before they teach this lesson. Each young person can learn the pattern: repent, reset and refocus. It will help them trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not unto their own understanding (see Proverbs 3:5-6). In this way they invite the Lord to direct their steps along the covenant path.

A young man in the Crosswinds 3rd Ward in the Spanish Fork Utah East Stake enjoys a scenic view while hiking in the Unita Mountains in July 2024. Photo by John Leatherwood, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

Copyright 2025 Deseret News Publishing Company.

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