In the first video of a new artistic series, Tessa Broyles speaks about finding relief in Christ. Her mural is based off Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson’s talk “Jesus Christ Is Relief.” Screenshot from Youtube.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Updated November 22, 2023.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will begin publishing an artistic series documenting the work and stories of several individuals as they create art inspired by general conference messages.
The first video launched Wednesday, October 11, with other videos and related messages releasing throughout the remainder of October and November on the Church’s YouTube, Instagram and Facebook channels.
Meet the Artists
Tessa Broyles
Tessa, a freelance scenic artist and muralist, grew up in Kansas. Now, based out of New York City, she often feels God is in the details of her life.
“I can’t count the number of times I have felt directed and inspired when problem-solving at work or approaching a challenging project,” she said. “I know some people would attribute little things like that to skill, experience or luck, but I know that I have had ideas come to mind, like the design for this mural project, that were a result from praying for help. Similarly, I’ve seen my prayers answered in finding work out of the blue at just the right time and meeting the right people that help me work toward my goals.
“The opportunities God has given me and the path I’ve taken have curated my abilities and skills. I can very clearly see His hand in guiding my path and my art,” she said.
Tessa’s mural and episode, released October 11, is based on Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson’s talk “Jesus Christ Is Relief” and shows how Jesus Christ can lift individual burdens and shortcomings.
Brooke Smart
Brooke is an illustrator in Salt Lake City. Her art appears in children’s books, children’s magazines, newspapers and murals.
“It took lots of prayer and introspection years ago to take the leap to be a full-time illustrator/artist,” Brooke said. “I’ve always felt that my artistic talent is a gift that is specific to me and a gift that I am meant to share. It is a way that I can share what is dear to my heart with the world, in my own way, and that of course includes the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful every time I have a project that I am able to weave my beliefs into. I am passionate about depicting images of family and brave women doing hard things, and especially about creating work that is inclusive and loving. It brings me closer to Christ to share my testimony this way and to try and love as He does.”
Brooke’s illustration and episode are based on Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Parents.”
Tyran Schouten
Tyran, who resides in New York City, creates murals, storefront window displays, paintings and drawings. While possessing a talent for artistry himself, he acknowledges that God is the ultimate Creator. He says:
“As a child of God, I get to participate in that role on some level and it brings me great joy!
“Art speaks on a spiritual level that is hard to put in words. Through art, I can express my deepest longings, reflections and feelings.
“When I take time to enjoy art, I become more fully present. I’m more sensitive to beauty in the seemingly ordinary, what would normally go unnoticed. I believe the Savior [is] attuned to the details in that way. He invites us to consider the lilies, the sparrows [and the] innocence of children. He sees the inherent goodness in everyone and everything. The gospel helps me see the big picture of life, and through art I strive to communicate glimpses of that.”
Tyran’s art and episode are based on Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk “One in Christ.”
Sarah Allred
Sarah is a chalk artist who started to lose her hearing around the age of four. By the age of six, she lost her hearing completely.
“In my past I have struggled to find peace and comfort. I was seeking the wrong sources. I was seeking acceptance and approval from those around me. I thought that if they would accept me, I would have a sense of belonging and happiness. It was not until I started praying to God and turning to Christ that I start to feel peace.
“I used to think that not being able to hear was a weakness and I couldn't get over it. But, now I know that it's still always going to be there but I can turn it into a strength and I can use it to help other people”
Sarah's chalk art and episode are based on Elder Henry B. Erying's talk “Finding Personal Peace.”
Want to Participate?
Art is one of the many ways we can come closer to Jesus Christ. Discover how you can bring Christ’s presence into your daily work, hobbies, activities and aspirations.
To find inspiration for your next project, see recent general conference messages by living prophets, apostles and leaders in Gospel Library on ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Select General Conference, then click on October 2023.