Nine men and women have been called to the Sunday School Advisory Council of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The leaders will assist the Sunday School General Presidency — President Paul V. Johnson; Chad H Webb, First Counselor; and Gabriel W. Reid, Second Counselor — who are responsible for religious instruction in the Church.
The new council members (shown in the image above from left to right, top to bottom) are Sara Daniela Acosta, Caroline Ainsworth, Isaak Camargo, Kathleen George, Roland Lepore, Fritz-Carl Morlant, Debby Richards, Paul Walker and Kimberly Willard. Members of the council began serving in August and September of 2024.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Following are brief biographies of the new advisory council members:
Sara Daniela Acosta
Sara Daniela Acosta, 24, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in August of 2024. She also has served as counselor and president in ward Relief Society presidencies and full-time missionary in the Canada Winnipeg Mission and the Arizona Scottsdale Mission. Sister Acosta is currently completing a bachelor’s degree in linguistics with a Spanish minor from Brigham Young University and works in the language training department at the Provo Missionary Training Center. She was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to Jaime Ernesto Acosta and Sara Beatriz Escobar Acosta. She lives in the Provo YSA 23rd Ward, Provo Utah YSA 2nd Stake.
Caroline Ainsworth
Caroline Diniz Ainsworth, 32, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in August of 2024. She also has served as branch Young Women president, Sunday School teacher, temple ordinance worker and full-time missionary in the Brazil Florianópolis Mission. Sister Ainsworth has a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from Brigham Young University–Idaho and a master’s degree in Portuguese Pedagogy from BYU. She currently works in language curriculum development, evaluation and interpretation at the Provo Missionary Training Center. She was born n Cruzeiro, São Paulo, Brazil to Benicio Mota and Tereza Diniz Gonçalves. She and her husband, Kollin Ainsworth, live in the Geneva Heights 9th Ward (Portuguese)in the Orem Utah Geneva Heights Stake.
Isaak Rodrigues de Camargo
Isaak Rodrigues de Camargo, 22, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in September of 2024. He also has served as Sunday School teacher, temple and family history consultant, family home evening leader, and full-time missionary in the Brazil Florianópolis Mission. Brother Camargo attends Brigham Young University, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. He works as a Portuguese teacher at the Provo Missionary Training Center. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Luciene Priscila Rodrigues and Clementino Pereira de Camargo Filho, he was raised in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, and Sandy, Utah. He lives in the Provo Utah YSA 85th ward, Provo Utah YSA 6th Stake.
Kathleen George
Kathleen George, 45, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in September of 2024. She also has served as stake and ward Young Women president, counselor in a ward Relief Society and Primary presidency, Relief Society and Primary teacher, organist, and full-time missionary in the California Arcadia Mission. Sister George received a bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing science and a master’s degree in speech-language pathology, both from the University of Utah. She works as a speech-language pathologist at a private clinic. She was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Gerald A. and Elaine Crismon Petersen. She is married to Dillon George. They have two sons and two daughters. She lives in the Bountiful 54th Ward in the Bountiful Heights Stake, in Utah.
Roland Léporé
Roland Léporé, 47, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in September of 2024. He also has served as president of the France Lyon Mission (2021–2024), full-time missionary in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission, ward Young Men president, elders quorum president, high councilor, bishop and stake president. He received bachelor’s degrees in mechanical engineering and business management and currently works as an area support manager in the Church’s Priesthood and Family Department. He was born to Michel and Liliane Lepore and was raised in Lyon, France. He married Amie Williams Léporé, and they have two sons and two daughters. He lives in the Mountainville 2nd Ward, Alpine Utah West Stake.
Fritz-Carl Morlant
Fritz-Carl Morlant, 24, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in August of 2024. He also has served as Sunday School teacher, counselor in a ward Sunday School presidency, co-chair for activities, and full-time missionary in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission. Brother Morlant is currently studying computer science and business at Brigham Young University, where he served as student body president. He currently works as a founder and product manager at a tech company. He was born to Fritzner and Carole Desormeaux Morlant in Saint-Marc, Haiti. He lives in the Provo YSA 227th Ward in the Provo YSA 16th Stake in Utah.
Debby Richards
Debby Richards, 52, began serving as a member of the Sunday School General Advisory Council in September of 2024. She also served as Gospel Doctrine teacher, Missionary Training Center teacher, Sunday School teacher, counselor in a ward Young Women presidency and Young Women advisor, counselor in a ward Primary presidency and Primary teacher, full-time missionary in the Netherlands Amsterdam Mission, and with her husband as mission leaders of the Texas Houston South Mission (2020-2023). Sister Richards received a bachelor’s degree in family and consumer science education from Brigham Young University and a master’s degree in educational leadership from the University of Utah. She was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Jack and Saundra Shipp Fisher. She and her husband, Matthew K. Richards, have three daughters, two sons and two grandsons. She lives in the Foothill Ward, North Salt Lake Stake in Utah.
Paul Walker
Paul S. Walker, 49, began serving as a member of the Sunday School Advisory Council in August of 2024. He also has served as bishop, stake high councilor, Gospel Doctrine teacher, ward and stake Young Men president, and full-time missionary in the Arizona Tempe Mission. Brother Walker received a bachelor’s degree in communications from Brigham Young University, where he was a member of the men’s golf team. He is the CEO of Franklin Covey Company. He was born to Stephen L. and Gail Johannesen Lewis and was raised in Mount Vernon, Washington. He and his wife, Melissa Bunting Walker, have one son and three daughters and live in the Corner Canyon 7th Ward, Corner Canyon Draper Utah Stake.
Kimberly Lynn Willard
Kimberly Lynn Willard, 59, began serving as a member of the General Sunday School Advisory Council in September of 2024. She also has served as counselor in a stake Relief Society presidency and ward Primary and Young Women presidencies, Sunday School teacher, full-time missionary in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Mission and teacher at the Provo Missionary Training Center. She and her husband served as mission leaders of the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission (2013–2016). Sister Willard studied at Tennessee Technological University and Brigham Young University. She has been a substitute teacher and tutor and a volunteer for school and community non-profit organizations. She was born in Cookeville, Tennessee, to Hilda Marlow and Aaron Herd. She and her husband, Jason A. Willard, have one son, three daughters, seven grandsons and eight granddaughters. They live in the Highland Park First Ward, South Jordan Highland Park Utah Stake.